ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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??? Античный керамический комплекс из полуземлянки № 80 на Белозерском поселении //Античный мир и археология. 2010. Т. 14, вып. 14. С. 247-261.

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Античный керамический комплекс из полуземлянки № 80 на Белозерском поселении


In Belozerskoe settlement at the mouth of the Dnieper excavations were conducted from 1991 and here, in a sector of c. 3000 m2, were discovered objects of two building periods. In one of them, № 80, several amphoras were found, some with graffiti and dipinti, and also some other ware and black glaze pottery, and other materials. This structure belongs to the category of semi-ground, which were in use during the first building period. The pit contained a burned fill, in the upper part of which, were discovered lumps of burnt clay and fragments of artefactual material. In the fill below were found pieces of iron and five bronze coins, as well as other artefacts. The broken amphoras were found in the main fill. Regarding the date of the amphoras in the rubbish fill, one may note that no sharp chronological breaks are observable, and that they belong to groups which are close to each other in time, probably 360—350 B. C. The finds of black glaze ware, which may be used to establish a date, are few. Two lekythoi are identified among the materials of the early Hellenistic period. The most likely date for the deposit of the complex seems to be the last quarter of the 4th B. C.

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Список источников: 

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