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Мосолкин А. В. Исторический комментарий к поэме «Александра» Ликофрона (стт. 1226–1280) //Античный мир и археология. 2009. Т. 13, вып. 13. С. 398-419.

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Исторический комментарий к поэме «Александра» Ликофрона (стт. 1226–1280)

Мосолкин Алексей Владиславович, Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова

The contents of vv. 1226—80 of «Alexandra» which was created by Hellenistic poet Lycophron (III B. C.) is obscure prophecy of Cassandra about the first settlement establishing by Aeneas on the territory of Etruria, the foundation of Rome by Romulus and Remus and the coming glory of the City throughout the land and the sea. This passage describes the Aeneas’ itinerary from Troy to Italy via Rhaecelus (1236—41), of alliance with nanos-dwarf, who was probably Odysseus (1242—45) and also with the sons of the king of the Mysians — Tarchon and Tyrsenus (1245—49). The myths which were traditionally connected, with Aeneas are an event of the tables which were eaten by Aeneas and his fellows (1250—52), sign of sow giving birth to thirty piglets: it implied the foundation of thirty settlements (1255—60) and the receiving the name pius (1263—70).

The inconsistency between this Roman panegyric and the anxious contents of the poem as a whole makes the scholars to suppose that this fragment is a later conjecture. This article is a historic commentary on this intriguing fragment.

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Список источников: 

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