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Стоянов Р. В. Керамический комплекс слоя разрушения поселения Менекше Чатай в Пропонтиде //Античный мир и археология. 2013. Т. 16, вып. 16. С. 215-239.

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Керамический комплекс слоя разрушения поселения Менекше Чатай в Пропонтиде

Стоянов Роман Владимирович, Центр античной и восточной археологии Институт классического Востока и античности ВШЭ

Menekşe Çatağı is located on the northwest shore of the Marmara Sea, at 12 km to the north-east from Tekirdağ (Figs. 1–2). A building destroyed by earthquake was unearthed in the eastern sector of the site. The present article is based on the pottery finds from the layer of destruction in the rooms D and V of the building (Fig. 3; Tab. 1–2). The layer refers to the destruction of the basement or crawl spaces with collapsed parts of the upper floor, walls and roof (Fig. 4). The whole and fragmented transport amphorae quantitatively dominate in the ceramic complex. The vessels belong to the production of major vine trade centers in Northern and Eastern Aegean region at the end of VI – the 1st qr. of the Vth cc. BC. (Tabl. 1; Figs. 8–14). Attic pottery from the layer presents with whole and fragmented black- and red-figure vessels (Figs. 15–17). The pottery finds point out that the complex was formed in the end of the VI – the 2nd–3rd qrs. the Vth cc. BC.

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