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Синицын А. А. Фукидид и Геродот, повлиявшие друг на друга? (по поводу одного «интересного нюанса») //Античный мир и археология. 2013. Т. 16, вып. 16. С. 39-55.

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Фукидид и Геродот, повлиявшие друг на друга? (по поводу одного «интересного нюанса»)

Синицын Александр Александрович, Русская христианская гуманитарная академия

The article gives some consideration to the hypothesis that Herodotus used the “Thucydides method”. I.E. Surikov (2010; 2011) believes that the sentence at the end of Herodotus’ work (9. 121: και κατά το έτος τούτο ούδέν έπι πλέον τούτων έγένέτο) shows that the historian from Halicarnassus had borrowed the temporal principle from his junior Athenian colleague. The researcher assumes that Herodotus must have been determined to continue his account of the Persian Wars waged after 478 B.C. in the manner used by Thucydides, that is, by narrating the events of the military campaigns season by season, year by year. Objections: 1) Surikov disregards the fact that similar final-phrases are also found in other parts: Hdt. 6. 42; 9. 41; 9. 107, not only at the end of the History (9. 121). It is important that in the middle of the work the historian sums up the eventful war year, 493 B.C., with the help of the same temporal final-phrase (6. 42. 1: και κατά το έτος τούτο έκ των Πέρσέων ούδέν έπι πλέον έγένέτο τούτων...). Contemporary philologists (H. Stein, R.W. Macan, C. Dewald, M.A. Flower and J. Marincola at al.) have frequently noted that this device, final-phrase, is stable, formulaic (“Redeweise”, “formula”, “formulaic expressions”). Hence, this “interesting nuance” can hardly render well- grounded the hypothesis that Thucydides had influenced the “Father of History”. 2) Herodotus’ death is usually dated at the first years of the Peloponnesian War (between 429 and 425 B.C.), so he died aged 54-59, thereby Surikov’s version that the old historian, having a foreboding of his close end, had abandoned his manner of narration and decided to adopt the Thucydides’ method fails to convince. 3) Also, the Athenian historian must, by this time, have elaborately studied this chronological principle. But even if to assume that apart from his civil duties as a young efficient statesman, Thucydides kept making painstaking efforts to collect material for his History, it is still hardly likely that at the beginning of the Archidamian War he had already designed the method of historical recording that would later govern his research. For the historian, to have arranged in a historical record the first period of the Peloponnesian War by year and season it seems that minimum several years had to elapse. 4) It is reasonable to assume the opposite: that Thucydides, aware of Herodotus’ work, noted this final-phrase and borrowed it to make it the principle to govern his account of the events of the Peloponnesian War.

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