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Короленков А. В. Марк Клавдий Марцелл и окончание первого этапа Нумантинской войны //Античный мир и археология. 2013. Т. 16, вып. 16. С. 88-99.

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Марк Клавдий Марцелл и окончание первого этапа Нумантинской войны

Короленков Антон Викторович, Государственный академический университет гуманитарных наук

The article considers the military and diplomatic activity of Marcus Claudius Marcellus in Spain (152–151 BC). In 152 BC he was elected consul for the third time to finish arduous war in Hispania Citerior. He successfully attacked the Celtiberians, efficiently combining method of force with flexible diplomatics, then he helped Atilius Serranus, governor of Hispania Ulterior in his fighting against Lusitanians, this was to contribute to Celtiberians’ conciliation. During the talks with the Celtiberians he came to a preliminary agreement with them, which was rejected, however, by the Senate, which demanded enemy’s deditio and appointing L. Licinius Lucullus a successor consul to him for the year of 151 BC. At the last moment Marcellus forced Celtiberians to deditio, but having promised acceptable conditions to them beforehand (huge contribution without recoiling a weapon). The author is not inclined to join this with some principled stand of Marcellus in Hispanian question (as some scholars), just with the forces he had, this was the best possible solution. It appears despite of some opinions that the Senate ratified the peace terms which led to the pacification of Hispania Citerior almost for ten year.

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