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Naso A. Архаические торговые амфоры из Милета: предварительное сообщение //Античный мир и археология. 2010. Т. 14, вып. 14. С. 3-19.

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Архаические торговые амфоры из Милета: предварительное сообщение

Naso Alessandro, независимый исследователь

The excavations conducted by V. von Graeve at Kalabaktepe from 1985 to 1993 have produced a large quantity of sherds belonging to trade amphorae. According to the stratigraphic sequence elaborated by R. Senff for Miletus it is possible to establish the chronology of these finds. In the years 1989–1993, 3924 sherds of Milesian trade amphoras were found, dating from the end of 8th-beginning of 7th century BC to the 5th century BC. The band-lips, introduced already in the early types, remain through the centuries the chief distinguished feature of the Milesian trade amphorae, which served most likely as containers for olive oil. Imported amphoras, which in Miletus number less than 10 % of those of local production, come from wine production centres such as Chios. The systematic study of all trade amphoras found in Miletus dating until 5th century BC will permit us to verify these preliminary hypotheses.

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Список источников: 

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