Для цитирования:
Казаков М. М. Христианские храмы в языческих святилищах (к вопросу об утверждении христианства в Малой Азии) //Античный мир и археология. 2011. Т. 15, вып. 15. С. 387-395.
Христианские храмы в языческих святилищах (к вопросу об утверждении христианства в Малой Азии)
The article is dedicated to the research of the topography of ancient Christian churches. Basing on the written sources and the observation of the ancient sites, the author marks out eight types of location of the churches during the period of Christianization of the Roman Empire. After the edict of the emperor Theodosius of 392, the Christians started using pagan sanctuaries for their cults and ceremonies. Several ancient pagan temples in Asia Minor are the examples of such usage, which was aimed at the demonstration of the superiority of Christian religion over paganism.
Донини А. У истоков христианства (от зарождения до Юстиниана). М., 1989.
Казаков М.М. Христианская Каппадокия // Известия Смоленского государственного университета. 2008. № 3.
Hyde W.W. Paganism to Christianity in the Roman Empire. Philadelphia, 1946.
Williams S., Friell G. Theodosius. The Empire at Bay. New Haven; L., 1994.