ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Ломтадзе Г. А. Об одной группе эллинистических сосудов из некрополя Ольвии //Античный мир и археология. 2009. Т. 13, вып. 13. С. 342-348.

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Об одной группе эллинистических сосудов из некрополя Ольвии

Ломтадзе Георгий Альбертович, Государственный исторический музей

The article is devoted to one type of amphoras found in the Olbia necropolis. Two amphoras were found in 1896 in the graves 25 and 39. The amphoras has stretched ovoid body, high throat and funnel-shaped offset rim. The leg is high and moulded. The body is ribbed. The handles are not preserved. At the places of handles’ attachments there are round rotelles. Glaze is black.

The shape of our vessel is characteristic for the Hellenistic period. Two amphorae of this type are known among finds from Olbia. The identical amphora storage in Antiken Sammlung in Berlin was bought in Olbia. The second one, which is Pseudo-Panathenaic, painted in black-figure style and dated to the II B. C. is preserved in the State Hermitage Museum. This vessel was found in the course of excavations of the Olbian necropolis in 1901. A glass amphora from Olbia preserved in Berlin in Antiken Zammlung is of great interest as well. This vessel has the same shape (even in details) and is dated to the second half of the II — the beginning of the I B. C.

Some facts let us speak about existence of specific type hellenistic painted funeral amphoras made in Alexandria or in other cities, but connected with this polis as the center of manufacture, specially for import in Olbia Pontica in III—I B. C.

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