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??? Сыновья Красса: проблема старшинства и политическая позиция //Античный мир и археология. 2013. Т. 16, вып. 16. С. 100-111.

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Сыновья Красса: проблема старшинства и политическая позиция


The article deals with the problem of seniority of Crassus’ sons. The author argues that, contrary to the opinion of several modern researchers, Marcus was the elder son of Crassus born in the first half of 85 B. C., and Publius was the younger son born in 82 or 81 B. C. The latter didn’t hold quaestorship or enter the senate. Nevertheless he served in Gaul under Caesar earlier than his elder brother. The supposed reason is Publius’ attachment to Cicero and his attempts to prevent the exile of the latter which troubled Crassus who was a political enemy of the orator. When Publius returned from Gaul, Cicero’s influence on him weakened and he began to support his father in political and military affairs.

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