ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

История и археология античного Причерноморья

Новые открытия в Восточном некрополе Фанагории (2005–2007 гг.)

The article presents the results of the latest excavations in the Eastern necropolis of ancient Phanagoria. They were performed in 2005—2007 by archaeologists of the Voronezh State University, who worked as a part of the Taman archaeological expedition of Institute of archaeology of the Russian academy of sciences. In the central part of the Eastern necropolis two pits were dug with the total area of 3994 m2.

К интерпретации комплекса № 23 поселения Старая Богдановка 2 на хоре Ольвии и об энглифических колечках

Investigated the complex № 23 at Old Bogdanovka which authors of excavation interpreted as «temenos with an altar of compound type and the established design» has was extended in the scientific literature. Meanwhile, the given object is the furnace, most likely for manufacture of ceramics. Existing analogies allow to present reconstruction of the given object, as a folding, dome furnace, with two channels. As fuel the reed was used. Prints of a reed are met by we on handles throats and legs of amphoras of various centres V—III B. C.

Синойкизм Амастрии и амфорное производство в полисах Южного Понта (2-я пол. IV–1-я треть III в. до н. э.)

The main idea of this article is to develop recent S. Yu. Monakhov’s (1997) conception concerning the possibility to attribute several types of amphorae (end of the IV-th — the first decades of the III-rd cent. B. C.), which were previously ascribed to Heracleia Pontica, but have a number of peculiarities uncommon for this center and resembling the Sinopean ones, to uncertain South-Pontic poleis.

Амфоры Александропольского кургана (по материалам раскопок 2004–2009 гг.)

The barrow of Alexandropol — one of the largest Scythian imperial barrows in the region of the Black Sea. It is located near with. In 2004—2009 Scythian Steppe expedition of Institute of archeology NAS of Ukraine has lead repeated researches Alexandropol barrow. In result the following was established:

Античный керамический комплекс из полуземлянки № 80 на Белозерском поселении

In Belozerskoe settlement at the mouth of the Dnieper excavations were conducted from 1991 and here, in a sector of c. 3000 m2, were discovered objects of two building periods. In one of them, № 80, several amphoras were found, some with graffiti and dipinti, and also some other ware and black glaze pottery, and other materials. This structure belongs to the category of semi-ground, which were in use during the first building period.

Бронзовая ольпа Мирмекийского клада

A bronze olpe in which a hoard of cyzicenes was found in 2003 in Myrmekion is discussed. The vessel belongs to a group of biconical bronze olpai singled out by Thomas Weber as Type III. B and should be dated to the first half, or possibly the second quarter of the 5th century BC (the hoard in the olpe was hidden in the second quarter of the 4th century BC).

Материалы конца VI–начала III вв. до н. э. из раскопок поселения Артющенко 2 в южной части Таманского полуострова

Article is devoted the publication of materials of the end VI — the beginnings of III B. C. from excavation of settlement Artjushchenko-2 in a southern part of Taman Peninsula. Settlement excavation was spent to 1998 by the Bosporus’ expedition of IIMK of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The carried out analysis of various groups of finds allows to define time of occurrence of settlement Artjushchenko-2 within the end VI — the beginnings of V centuries.

Периодизация освоения греками Таманского п-ова в VI–V вв. до н. э. (соотношение письменных и археологических источников)

Deficiency of written sources on most ancient history of the Bosporus induces involving for reconstruction a archeological material which reflects scale historical processes. The analysis of development of Taman Peninsula by Greeks in VI—V B. C. results in a conclusion about division of this time interval into two periods.

О датировке амфоры из погребения № 2 Репяховатой могилы

The Barrow «Repyachovataya’s Tomb» was investigated in 1974 in Dnieper forest-steppe on Ukraine, contained two rich funeral complexes. In burial № 2 of Repyachovataya’s Tombs besides various stock of early Scythian shape are submitted the milesian amphora, the jug and the boiler of the Transcaucasian production. Because of this burial is a basic monument for chronology of early Scythian material culture.
