ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

История и археология античного Причерноморья

Fragments of imported bronze vessels, utensils and costume details – amulets from the sarmatian burial in the Lower Don region

Fragments of imported bronze vessels, utensils and items of costume (?) used as amulets in the 2nd century AD burial of a young woman in burial mound no. 9/1987 of the Valovyy-I cemetery in the vicinity of Tanais in the Lower Don region are discussed. Attributions of a patera medallion, a part of a strainer receptacle, a ring-shaped lamp handle (?), a mirror and a plate in the form of an openwork palmette, possibly a belt clasp are offered. The finds under consideration reflect a phenomenon that is quite rarely recorded in the burials of Sarmatia.

Late heraclean amphoras from mound 1 of the Chebotarev VII burial ground

The article is devoted to the publication of two Late Heraclean amphoras from the cache of burial 1, kurgan 1 of the Chebotarev VII burial ground, located in the Aksai district of the Rostov-on-Don region. According to the metric and morphological characteristics, both amphoras belong to the CIVA2 type according to the classification of S.Yu. Vnukov and date back no earlier than the third quarter of the 1st century AD.

Paleography, dating, text criticism of dozen curse inscriptions from ancient Olbia Pontica

At the last 25 years there are published 14 new curse inscriptions from Olbia, all with dating 4th BC. Meanwhile their majority has clear paleography of 3rd and even 2nd centuries BC. The author studies here paleography of 11 inscriptions and finds, that 4 pertains to 4th century, 3 to the end of 4th–3rd century, 3 to 3rd century and 2 to 3rd–2nd centuries BC.  

Ceramic stamps of Knidos with the symbol «ship’s prow» (chronological group Ib)

In the article are collected in the form of a corpus the stamps of the initial period of the systematic marking of amphorae in Knidos - stamps with a “prora” or “ship bow” (chronological group Ib). A total of 323 stamps originating from the territory of the Bosporus, Chersonese and Olbia were taken into account. They are distributed unevenly. The main reason ist, that not all museum collections are available and processed.

Red-figured and black-glazed pottery from kurgan 2 of the kurgan group «Tsementnaya slobodka I»

During the study of the necropolis «Tsementnaya Slobodka I» on Ak-Burun Cape in the burial mound 2 the remnants of the funeral feast were found. It was seventeen attic red-figured and black-glazed vessels dated back to the 4th century BC. Fish-plate of Pierides painter and lekythos Talcott class, which were very rare for the Northern Black Sea Region, as well as red-figure pelike and ascos, were among them.

Antique ceramics from the burials of the Sindian ground at art. Anapa (on the question of the initial stage of greek-barbarian contacts in the Kuban and East Azov region)

The article is devoted to the analysis of objects of antique ceramic imports from the burials of the early group (late VII – first half of the VI century BC) of the Sindian burial ground near the experimental farm «Anapa»: the Theos amphora and the Ionian cup. Special attention is paid to the amphora of the Theos (or the «circle of Clazomen»).

A phoenician τράπεζα in Panticapaeum?

The paper proposes to read in the graffito on the attic black-glazed kylix founded in Kertch at 2017 – yod, beth, and shin: 12 sh(iglu), i.e. a bank receipt the bearer of which was supposed to get this money from the Phoenician trapezites in Panticapaeum. Also, the author analyzes the archaeological, and literary data reflecting the business relations between Phoenicia and the North Shore of the Black Sea from the beginning of VIIth century BC.

Statistical methods when working with amphorаe catalogues and the APE database

The article is devoted to the possibilities of using statistical methods in the analysis of amphorae material contained in museum catalogues and the APE database. The composition of the collections of various museums by the centers of amphora production, the time of their manufacture, chronology and typology is analyzed and it is proposed to consider the potential of using these data to build models of trade relations in the Northern Black Sea region.

К проблеме полисов в районе Боспора Киммерийского

Одной из осо­бен­но­стей осво­е­ния гре­ка­ми бере­гов Кер­чен­ско­го про­ли­ва явля­ет­ся хоро­шо извест­ный факт мно­го­чис­лен­но­сти здесь весь­ма круп­ных посе­ле­ний, кото­рые обыч­но име­ну­ют­ся горо­да­ми. Антич­ная тра­ди­ция сохра­ни­ла назва­ния при­бли­зи­тель­но трид­ца­ти бос­пор­ских насе­лен­ных пунк­тов.

Северо-Западное Причерноморье в VII—V вв. до н.э. Начало колонизации Нижнего Поднестровья

Нача­ло коло­ни­за­ции Север­но­го При­чер­но­мо­рья хро­но­ло­ги­че­ски тес­но смы­ка­ет­ся с заклю­чи­тель­ной фазой ким­ме­рий­ско­го пери­о­да ран­не­го желез­но­го века. И хотя ким­ме­рий­ский вопрос — про­бле­ма более чем само­сто­я­тель­ная, для даль­ней­ше­го изло­же­ния необ­хо­ди­мо хотя бы крат­ко оста­но­вить­ся на верх­ней дате ким­ме­рий­ских древ­но­стей. Ter­mi­nus an­te quem послед­ним слу­жит осно­ва­ние пер­вой гре­че­ской коло­нии на Бере­за­ни в середине VII в.
