ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

История и археология античного Причерноморья

О начале функционирования восточного некрополя Фанагории (по материалам раскопок 2005–2007 гг.)

The article is dedicated to publishing of materials discovered during excavations of the Eastern necropolis of Phanagoria in 2005. They are represented by remnants of two dwellings, four household pits and agglomerations of domestic-type ceramics discovered in the eastern part of the excavation. The study of their ceramic complex showed that in the 5– 4th centuries BC the future necropolis had still housed residential and household structures of Phanagorian suburbs.


Der Artikel behandelt Geschichte der römischen Kolonie in Sinope, die 45 v. Chr. von Julius Caesar gegründet wurde. Die Einrichtung der Kolonie in der griechischen Polis evozierte deren Teilung in zwei Gemeinden: eine griechische und eine römische mit jeweils eigenen Machtinstitutionen. Dabei wurden Griechen aus der Zahl der cives und folglich deren der ordo decurionum ausgeschlossen (Strab. XII. 3, 11 (546)). Zur Anfangsphase der Kolonie gehört offensichtlich ein Amphorenstempel mit der Legende: O.L.I (oder P). S.S.P.

Комплекс амфорной тары из Капуловки (находки 2011 года)

In 2011 on the Scythian settlement – Kapulovka (Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine) the hole complex with big quantity Scythian and Greek ceramics was found. From fragments of antique ceramics three ungventarii, the Mediterranean amphora of “the circle of Thasos”, two amphoras of Heracleia Pontica with brands of “late” manufacturers, Dionysios II and Eratonos, the top part of a Chersonesian amphora with the stamp of Sokritos the astinomus and a Thasian stamp of “late group” of Skymnos I the magistrate are restored.

Амфоры из курганов у с. Новофедоровка на Херсонщине

In 1981 the Scythian burial ground near Novofedorovka of Golopristansky district of Kherson Region, consisting of 12 visible embankments 0,5–2,7 m high from 9 of which were dug out. Barrows didn’t differ wealth.

Заметки об амфорах с энглифическими клеймами

Amphorae with englyphic stamps have been known for more than 200 years. This class of products is characterized by several features that distinguish them from the mass production of amphorae in ancient Hellas, such as quality of the clay, technology used for marking, major differences in the quality of the finished products. Another important feature is the relatively short period of their production and use, spanning about one hundred years, and the dynamics of their appearance and disappearance.

Керамический комплекс слоя разрушения поселения Менекше Чатай в Пропонтиде

Menekşe Çatağı is located on the northwest shore of the Marmara Sea, at 12 km to the north-east from Tekirdağ (Figs. 1–2). A building destroyed by earthquake was unearthed in the eastern sector of the site. The present article is based on the pottery finds from the layer of destruction in the rooms D and V of the building (Fig. 3; Tab. 1–2). The layer refers to the destruction of the basement or crawl spaces with collapsed parts of the upper floor, walls and roof (Fig. 4).

Погребения с амфорами в некрополе Артющенко-2

Ground necropolis Artjuschenko-2 is situated in the southern part of Taman peninsula (Temrjuk region of Krasnodar area). The site locates on the steep, abrupt bank of the Black Sea. In 2003–2012 the excavation area at the necropolis covered about 3600 square meters was under investigations. During the excavations 138 burials have been found, including 12 graves, which were supplementary examined after predatory excavations. Such complexes received special numbering with the letter “Г”. The earliest graves date to the end of the 6th cent.

Ранняя фабрикантская группа клейм Гераклеи Понтийской: миф или действительность?

В опубликованной в данном сборнике статье И. Гарлана (Une période d’«anarchie» dans le timbrage amphorique héracléote) предпринята попытка пересмотреть предложенную мною схему раннего периода клеймения амфор в Гераклее Понтийской. По его мнению, нет оснований предполагать существование особой ранней фабрикантской хронологической группы клейм (РФГ) и что клеймение здесь с самого начала носило магистратский характер.
