Guidelines for Authors
Submitting the manuscript of an article for publication in the next issue of the publication, the authors are obliged to get acquainted with the public offer agreement.
The deadline for application of manuscripts for the current issue is 01.09.2022. The date of the decision on publication is 10.10.2022. The decision is made based on the results of the review.
Policy of Personal Data Processing at SSU
1. General Information
1.1. The collection of articles accepts for publication: general theoretical, methodological, debatable, critical articles, research data in the field of ancient history, classical archaeology, source studies and historiography, reviews and chronicles.
1.2. The main language of publications is Russian; articles in English, French and German are published in agreement with the editorial board of the collection of scientific articles
1.3. The editorial board of the collection follows Editorial Ethics. Authors, when sending a manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards. The authors are liable for accuracy of all submitted data and are obliged to promptly report the presence of a conflict of interest.
1.4. Articles written by Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, graduate students, applicants are accepted for consideration.
1.5. The editorial board does not consider articles:
• of an exclusively overview nature;
• previously published;
• accepted for publication in other journals.
1.6. The article should be written concisely, neatly framed and carefully edited. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. All articles are checked for originality in Anti-Plagiarism systems Antiplagiat.VUZ of Rucontext (threshold value – 85% originality).
1.7. Articles are subject to peer review (see Peer Review Procedure) and, in case of a positive review, scientific and control editing. Reviews of articles sent for revision and reviews of rejected articles are sent to the authors in electronic form.
1.8. The article sent to the author for revision should be returned in corrected form as soon as possible. An article delayed for more than three months is considered as newly received. The revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all comments and explaining all the changes made to the article. The return of the article for revision does not mean that the article will be published, after processing it will be reviewed again.
1.9. Publications are free of charge.
1.10. Copyright. The rightholder is the author of the article, which owns the following rights (without restrictions):
- the exclusive right to the Paper;
- the right of authorship;
- the author's right to name;
- the right to the inviolability of the Paper;
- the right to publish the Paper.
2. Requirements for the formatting of the manuscript
2.1. Material presentation structure:
in the Russian language: UDC identifier, the title of the article, the initials and surname of the author, information about the author (scholastic grade, academic status, position and place of work, e-mail), abstract , keywords, text of the article, gratitudes and sources of financing for the work (if there is any); notes (per-page, automatic references); list of references; list of used abbreviations;
in the English language: the title of the article, the initials and surname of the author, information about the author (name, initial of patronymic and surname, ORCID, e-mail), abstract, keywords.
2.2. A separate file contains information about the author of the article (in the Russian and English language): surname, and first names (in full), scholastic grade, academic status, position and place of work, e-mail.
2.3. Abstract requirements:
- the optimal length of the paper is 300-500 characters;
- should reflect the content of the article, while maintaining its structure - introduction, purposes and objectives, research methods, results, findings (conclusions);
- should not contain complex definitions, repeat the title of the article, be filled with descriptive generalizations that do not reflect the essence of the research.
Qualitative translation of the abstract into English allows:
• a foreign scientist to get insight into the content of the article and determine interest in it, regardless of the language of the article, and the opportunity to read its complete transcript;
• to overcome the language barrier for a scientist who does not speak Russian;
• to make likelier the article citing by foreign colleagues.
2.4. All pages of the manuscript, including tables, figures, references should be numbered.
2.5. The text is formatted with a single line spacing and margins: at the top - 2 cm, below - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm. Font size - 14 (Bookman Old Style), references are per-page, through within the article, also with one spacing, font size - 12.When typing a Greek script, the Palatino Linotype font should be used. Please, pay close attention to diacritical signs when typing Greek text.
2.6. When citing sources and bibliography, please maintain the following standards as much as possible: italicizing the names and initials of authors, rubricating of the works of ancient historians - Latin for books, Arabic for chapters and paragraphs, etc. The reference to the works of ancient authors is given within brackets in the text, and not in an endnote. The names of modern researchers are typed in italics. The names of ancient authors and the titles of their works are in normal spacing font.
2.7. There is no hyphen, but a dash without spaces, 1945–1965, 15–16 centuries between the digits of dates which is placed by the Ctrl- and "-" keys roll-over in the far right corner of the keyboard. A non-breaking space is placed between the author's initials and surname (Л.Т. Кандин) by simultaneously pressing the left keys Ctrl, Shift and space bar. There is no space between initials. A non-breaking space is also placed between the dates and the abbreviation of the words "century" or "year", etc.: “the 330–340s”, 1905; 15th century.
2.8. The tables of illustrations have a printable field of 128×200 mm. Any images (photos), tables, graphs and diagrams are attached in a separate file in the following formats: JPG, TIFF and CorelDRAW (for vector graphics).
2.9. Table and figure captions are given in the text part of the article after the list of references.
2.10. References to bibliography are given in footnotes with continuous numbering according to the following principle: surname and initials of the author (in italics),a title of the work; a collection of articles or magazine where the paper was published (if necessary) separated by double slash; editors or translators and commentators, if any are separated by one slash; place and year of publication, separated by a comma (in some cases: Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Paris, Berlin, Oxford, Cambridge, New York, common abbreviations are used).
For periodicals volume, issue, number after the year of publication are indicated using a dot. For monographs, the publishing company is indicated after the place of publication, separated by a colon. For all references: page number, separated by a dot, number of the figure or note with a capital letter (if necessary).
When repeating citation of one article, the abbreviation “Op. cit” is used; with subsequent references to the same author, “idem or eadem” is indicated instead of the surname; with subsequent references to the same article/work use “ibid”.
When referring to the article of several authors, if there are more than two of them, the surname and initials of one author are indicated in the interlinear, and then the abbreviation "et. all" is used; but all authors regardless of the number are indicated in the list of references.
Examples of footnotes:
1 Шкорпил В.В. Новонайденные боспорские надписи // ИАК. 1917. Вып. 63. С. 110.
2 Он же. Боспорские надписи, найденные в 1913 году. СПб., 1914. С. 10.
3 Там же. С. 12
1 Виноградов Ю.Г. О методике обработки греческих эпиграфических памятников (по ольвийским материалам) // Методика изучения древнейших источников по истории народов СССР. М., 1978. С. 329.
2.11. The list of references is placed at the end of the article. All the works in it are arranged in alphabetical order – first in Cyrillic, then in Latin. The bibliographic description of works published in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet must be translitereited (use the table).
Table to transliterate
а – a |
з – z |
п – p |
ч – ch |
б – b |
и – i |
р – r |
ш – sh |
в – v |
й – y |
с – s |
щ – shch |
г – g |
к – k |
т – t |
ы – y |
д – d |
л – l |
у – u |
ь –' |
е – e |
м – m |
ф – f |
э – e |
ё – ye |
н – n |
х – kh |
ю – yu |
ж – zh |
о – o |
ц – ts |
я – ya |
Manuscripts executed without following these rules are not registered in the editorial office and are returned back to the authors without consideration.
The editorial board make decisions on the publication of the manuscript and are responsible for all materials published in the collection of articles
Manuscripts rejected by the editorial board will not be returned.