ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


У истоков фигуративного языка греческой вазописи. Пояснительная система знаков-символов

The article examines the transition of Greek art from the geometric style to figurative representation and the emergence of a special explanatory system of signs made up of geometrical signs that comment on the actions of stationary figures. The explanatory system evolves along with the graphic language. During the Orientalizing period and in the early black-and-white style, figures of animals serve as explanatory symbols.

Посвятительные надписи в сочинениях Геродота, Фукидида и Диодора

In this article, the use of dedicatory inscriptions in the historical works of Herodotus, Thucydides and Diodorus Siculus is discussed. Although dedicatory inscriptions are quoted unsystematically, their using is twofold: firstly, they are an argument in historical discussions; secondly, they are a structure element in historical writings as literary works.

Сон и смерть, тело и душа, Артемидор и Фрейд (заметки о некоторых специфических чертах античного греческого менталитета)

In the article, several mutually connected features of Ancient Greek mentality are dealt with on the material of various pieces of literary tradition. The Sleep (Hypnos) and the Death (Thanatos) are called brothers by Hesiod. Sleep is connected with dreams, and typical Greek dreams, to judge for instance from Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica, are in many cases rather unlike our modern dreams. If the latter have, according to Freud, a “censorial” function, in Greek dreams such a function was not highly developed.

Погребения варварских элит Северного Причерноморья на рубеже эр и их культурная идентичность

The reason for the preparation of this paper was the new information about dating of the Nogaychik Barrow. It includes artifacts, which are particularly characteristic for the Late Hellenistic period. All this suggests a date not later than the 1st century BC. However, it seems to be very hard for some scholars to accept this date. The likely reason for this is that this complex was once closely connected with the interpretation model of the Sarmatian archaeological culture which was developed in the 1980s and 1990s.

О начале функционирования восточного некрополя Фанагории (по материалам раскопок 2005–2007 гг.)

The article is dedicated to publishing of materials discovered during excavations of the Eastern necropolis of Phanagoria in 2005. They are represented by remnants of two dwellings, four household pits and agglomerations of domestic-type ceramics discovered in the eastern part of the excavation. The study of their ceramic complex showed that in the 5– 4th centuries BC the future necropolis had still housed residential and household structures of Phanagorian suburbs.


Der Artikel behandelt Geschichte der römischen Kolonie in Sinope, die 45 v. Chr. von Julius Caesar gegründet wurde. Die Einrichtung der Kolonie in der griechischen Polis evozierte deren Teilung in zwei Gemeinden: eine griechische und eine römische mit jeweils eigenen Machtinstitutionen. Dabei wurden Griechen aus der Zahl der cives und folglich deren der ordo decurionum ausgeschlossen (Strab. XII. 3, 11 (546)). Zur Anfangsphase der Kolonie gehört offensichtlich ein Amphorenstempel mit der Legende: O.L.I (oder P). S.S.P.
