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Surikov I. E. On Athens` Coinage at the End of the Archaic Period (A Historical Context of Transition from Wappenmünzen to “Owls”) . Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 12-18. DOI:, EDN: ONGLHM

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On Athens` Coinage at the End of the Archaic Period (A Historical Context of Transition from Wappenmünzen to “Owls”)

Surikov Igor Evgenyevich, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article deals with the fate of the first Athenian coinage (coins known under the conventional name of Wappenmünzen) at its latest stage, when there took place a transition to coins of principally new type (“head of Athena – owl”, ΑΘΕ), which later became so glorious. The author connects the transition mentioned with the fall of tyranny in 510 BC and dates a little earlier beginning of Wappenmünzen tetradrachms issuing to 514–513 BC, while correlating it with such events as the tyrants Hippias’ clash with aristocrats and hardening of his policies. In the same context he tries to interpret the so-called Hippias’ monetary reform, which is mentioned vaguely in Pseudo-Aristotle’s Economics.


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