ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Red-figured and black-glazed pottery from kurgan 2 of the kurgan group «Tsementnaya slobodka I»

During the study of the necropolis «Tsementnaya Slobodka I» on Ak-Burun Cape in the burial mound 2 the remnants of the funeral feast were found. It was seventeen attic red-figured and black-glazed vessels dated back to the 4th century BC. Fish-plate of Pierides painter and lekythos Talcott class, which were very rare for the Northern Black Sea Region, as well as red-figure pelike and ascos, were among them.

Antique ceramics from the burials of the Sindian ground at art. Anapa (on the question of the initial stage of greek-barbarian contacts in the Kuban and East Azov region)

The article is devoted to the analysis of objects of antique ceramic imports from the burials of the early group (late VII – first half of the VI century BC) of the Sindian burial ground near the experimental farm «Anapa»: the Theos amphora and the Ionian cup. Special attention is paid to the amphora of the Theos (or the «circle of Clazomen»).

Два типа чернолаковых чаш из меотских погребений правобережья Кубани

Работа посвящена двум редким типам чернолаковых сосудов для питья вина. Единичными находками здесь представлены чаши типа stemless. Целая чашечка маленьких размеров (small), вероятно неаттического производства, происходит из погребения первой половины V в. до н.э. могильника Старокорсунского городища № 2.