ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Северное Причерноморье

О погребениях с конями на античном некрополе Фанагории

В статье анализируются конские захоронения, обнаруженные в 2006–2007 годах на Восточном некрополе Фанагории. По мнению автора, они могут свидетельствовать о появлении новой варварской группы в Фанагории на рубеже эпох. Это могут быть аспургиане, связанные с сарматским и меотским миром Кубани. Их появление совпало с распространением новых типов надгробных плит с рельефами, изображающими Боспорских всадников.

Mirrors in the Burials of the Scythians of Herodot of the Northern Black Sea Coast of the Second Half of the Vth – IVth Centuries BC

The article is devoted to analyzis of a data set of 162 Scythian female burials of the Northern Black Sea Region of the Vth –IVth c. BC with mirrors distributed according to the location of the mirrors, taking into account the anthropological definition, the presence of weapons in the burials and the their dating. According to archaeological data, all burials with mirrors are defined as female, 37 cases is confirmed by anthropological definitions, which suggests that the mirrors in the Scythians of the second half mark female burials exclusively.

To the discovery of the stamped Roman mortarius in Panticapaeum: a new source about the Roman military presence on the Bosporus

The article publishes a fragment of a stamped Roman mortarius, accidentally found during construction work in Kerch (antique Panticapaeum). Inspite of all the ordinariness of the stamp, this mark is a unique find for the European Bosporus. The recorded analogies of finds in Moesia and other parts of the Northern Black Sea region (Tyra, Olbia, Chersonessus) allow us to conclude, that mortarius is associated with the presence of Roman troops on the Bosporus in the late 2nd – early 3rd centuries AD.