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Stoyanov R. V. A Pottery Assemblage from the Burial M26 in the Hellenistic Neсropoleis of Tauric Chersonese. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 257-273. DOI:, EDN: QLMVGF

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A Pottery Assemblage from the Burial M26 in the Hellenistic Neсropoleis of Tauric Chersonese

Stoyanov Roman Vladimirovich, Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology of Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of HSE University

The article presents the publication and a comprehensive analysis of pottery finds from the burial M26 and a ritual fireplace, connected to it. The burial was investigated in the Hellenistic necropolis of Tauric Chersonese during the excavations, conducted of А.N. Ščeglov in 1963 (fig. 1). The site located on the Eastern slope of Pesochnaya Bay, along the ancient road leading to the Western city gate (Fig. 2).
Most of the ceramic debris was collected from the ritual fireplace and the burial M26. There were 3015 ceramic fragments in total (tabls. I–III). The largest part of the pottery fragments in the assemblage presented by Black-glazed tableware: fish plates, saltcellars, bowls (figs. 3–5). Plane wares: lopadions, jugs and plates (fig. 6). The total amount of 90–130 whole vessels might be estimated at the assemblage. Analysis of the types and forms allows dating the assemblage within the end of IV – third quarter of III c. BC.


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