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Tyuryakhin I. N. Foreign policy of Megalopolis in the period 370–340 BC. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 70-87. DOI:, EDN: YLCLKE

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Foreign policy of Megalopolis in the period 370–340 BC

Tyuryakhin Ilya Nikolaevich, Chuvash State University

The article deals with the main directions of a foreign policy of Megalopolis in the period 370–340 BC – relations with the poleis of Arcadia, and relations with the allies – Thebes and Macedonia. The author suggests the arguments, that the Megalopolis concluded alliance with Macedonian king Philip II in 344 BC. The topics discussed include the wars against Sparta, and relations of Megalopolis and Athens. The author analyzes the attempt of Megalopolis to become member of the  Delphic Amphictyony.


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