ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Эллада и ее соседи от архаики до эллинизма

Разгром Ферма в 218 г. до н. э.: упадок нравов или экономический расчет?

During Allied War of 220-217 B. C. macedonian king Phillip V has intruded in Aetolia and has crushed Farms — centre of Aetolian federation. Were ruined outskirts the Farm, plundered at home, arsons of temple structures, porticoes are organized, statues are broken. Polybius results the official justification to such behavior — revenge for ruin aetolians sanctuaries in Dione and Dodona. Actions of macedonians are not the certificate of falling of religiousness of the population.

К истории северной Малой Азии в раннеэллинистическое время. 2. период диадохов. 323–311 гг.

Der Artikel befaßt sich mit der Geschichte des südpontischen Raumes in der Periode nach dem Tode Alexander des Großen (323) bis zum Frieden der Diadochen (311). Charakteristisch für die Region bleibt ihre abgelegene Lage sowie die Abgeschiedenheit von den wichtigsten Zentren der antiken Welt. Nach der Teilung von Babylon wurden Kappadokien und Paphlagonien Eumenes von Kardia zugesprochen. Jedoch blieb seine Herrschaft über die genannten Landschaften eher nominell und hat keinen tiefen Niederschlag in der Geschichte der dortigen Poleis gefunden.

Великая греческая колонизация: экономические и политические мотивы (на примере ранней колонизационной деятельности Афин)

Greek colonization of the Archaic period was conditioned by a number of various prerequisites. Usually, scholars put in the foreground those causes of colonizing activities, which are of economic character, such as acquisition of new territories in order to rid of surplus population, or trading interests. The author of the article attempts to demonstrate, that of no less importance were causes of political character.

Архаические торговые амфоры из Милета: предварительное сообщение

The excavations conducted by V. von Graeve at Kalabaktepe from 1985 to 1993 have produced a large quantity of sherds belonging to trade amphorae. According to the stratigraphic sequence elaborated by R. Senff for Miletus it is possible to establish the chronology of these finds. In the years 1989–1993, 3924 sherds of Milesian trade amphoras were found, dating from the end of 8th-beginning of 7th century BC to the 5th century BC.

У истоков фигуративного языка греческой вазописи. Пояснительная система знаков-символов

The article examines the transition of Greek art from the geometric style to figurative representation and the emergence of a special explanatory system of signs made up of geometrical signs that comment on the actions of stationary figures. The explanatory system evolves along with the graphic language. During the Orientalizing period and in the early black-and-white style, figures of animals serve as explanatory symbols.

Посвятительные надписи в сочинениях Геродота, Фукидида и Диодора

In this article, the use of dedicatory inscriptions in the historical works of Herodotus, Thucydides and Diodorus Siculus is discussed. Although dedicatory inscriptions are quoted unsystematically, their using is twofold: firstly, they are an argument in historical discussions; secondly, they are a structure element in historical writings as literary works.

Сон и смерть, тело и душа, Артемидор и Фрейд (заметки о некоторых специфических чертах античного греческого менталитета)

In the article, several mutually connected features of Ancient Greek mentality are dealt with on the material of various pieces of literary tradition. The Sleep (Hypnos) and the Death (Thanatos) are called brothers by Hesiod. Sleep is connected with dreams, and typical Greek dreams, to judge for instance from Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica, are in many cases rather unlike our modern dreams. If the latter have, according to Freud, a “censorial” function, in Greek dreams such a function was not highly developed.

Надпись на вазе. О значении слова в изобразительном пространстве греческой вазописи

Notes continue a subject of explanatory system in Greek vase painting. At first geometrical badges, then symbolical figures of animals, and, at last, an inscription are consistently applied as signs commentators. The inscription role in a graphic field of a vase is various, one of examples – Corinthian aryballos with the image of “jumping dance” under flute sounds, shows that the inscription can be used not only as semantic, but also a graphic element, and here it gives a rhythm of dance and as though “sounds” a scene.

OIKONOMIA: Дионисий Галикарнасский о композиции исторических сочинений

In this article, the principles of analyzing the structure (oikonomia) of historical works in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ rhetorical treatises On Imitation, Letter to Pompeius, and On Thucydides are discussed. It can be said that Dionysius of Halicarnassus notes the consistency of story and narrative technique.
