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Novichenkova N. G., Novichenkova M. V. Roman republican Coins from archaeological excavations of the Sanctuary near the Pass Gurzufskoe Sedlo in the Mountain Crimea. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 252-274. DOI:, EDN: YLCLOI

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Roman republican Coins from archaeological excavations of the Sanctuary near the Pass Gurzufskoe Sedlo in the Mountain Crimea

Novichenkova Natal'ia Georgievna, Yalta Historical and Literary Museum
Novichenkova Maria Viktorovna, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The article describes the characteristics of 35 Roman republican and Roman provincial silver coins II-I cent BC found during archaeological excavations of the sanctuary near the pass Gurzufskoe Sedlo in 1981–1993 at Mountain Crimea. Coins refer to the chronological periods of the Mithridates' Wars, the first triumvirate, the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, the second triumvirate, the reign of Octavian. In view of the rarity of the discovery of Roman republican coins in the cultural layers of archaeological sites of the Northern Black Sea region, the detailed stratigraphy data of Roman coins are provided.


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