ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Историография и современное источниковедение

О социальной структуре «колесничных» обществ и феномене «колесничных» культур бронзового века Евразии

In this work characteristic features of social structure «chariot’s societies» of Near East and Forward Asia, and also some other territories are considered on the basis of available written sources. These features are compared to characteristics of sociopolitical structure of unwritten cultures of the Euroasian steppe according to the analysis of material complexes. It is judged that presence of a chariot is «marker» complex organization societies with the certain set of sociopolitical characteristics.

Античные истоки диалогов Петрарки «О дружбе» в трактате «О средствах против превратностей судьбы»

Tractate of Petrarch called «Remedies for fortune fair and foul» consists of seven dialogues dedicated to the topic of friendship.

As the analysis of the text shows this topic is due to Petrarch’s reading of classical authors. The revelations of Italian humanist concerning friendly relationships among men are openly paralleled the ideas of Aristotle, Cicero and Seneca; and also are illustrated by citations from Roman poets.

Полное имя Диона Кассия в эпиграфических и нарративных источниках: проблемы реконструкции

According to M.A. Gowing, Dio’s agnomen Cocceianus was mistakenly ascribed to him by Byzantine authors, who confused the historian with Dio Chrysostom. Contrary to this point of view, the paper presents additional arguments in favour the version that Dio’s name appeared as the result of the marriage of Cassius from Nicea and the daughter of Dio Cocceanus from Prusa. Most probably, the full name of the author of “Roman History” was Lucius Claudius Cassius Dio Cocceianus.

Последние достижения греческой керамической эпиграфики на Западе

Progrès récents de l’épigraphie amphorique grecque en Occident Après une brève historiographie du sujet, est dressé un état de la discipline vers 1980, Çest-à-dire à la veille de son renouveau. Celui-ci s’est traduit en premier lieu par la recherche et la fouille des dépotoirs de rebuts céramiques jouxtant les ateliers antiques: à Thasos, en Egypte, à Cnide, à Samothrace, à Corcyre, à Sinope, etc. On y a trouvé des images fidèles de la production des amphores et un moyen aussi de comprendre leurs systèmes de timbrage.