ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Боспорская миссия Марка Ульпия Прима

Der Autor weist nach, dass Mark Ulpius Primus aus den Inschriften CIRB. 43, der eine Statue des bosporischen Kaisers Sauromates I. aufstellte, weder bosporischer Aristokrat war, der die römische Bürgerschaft erhielt, noch ein Veteran der römischen Armee. Diese Person konnte nur ein Freigelassener und von Kaiser Traianus Bevollmächtigter sein, der 98 n. Chr. in diplomatischer Mission an den Bosporus kam.

Об одной группе эллинистических сосудов из некрополя Ольвии

The article is devoted to one type of amphoras found in the Olbia necropolis. Two amphoras were found in 1896 in the graves 25 and 39. The amphoras has stretched ovoid body, high throat and funnel-shaped offset rim. The leg is high and moulded. The body is ribbed. The handles are not preserved. At the places of handles’ attachments there are round rotelles. Glaze is black.

Гераклея и Херсонес: к проблеме взаимоотношений

The problem of relation between mother-city and the colony is one of the most difficult and at the same time its many aspects are still far from resolved. The problem of the present work is to determine character of the relationship between Chersonesos and its mother-city Heracleia at an early stage of apoikia history. Up to the first half of IV B. C., Chersonesos was economically and politically dependent on Heracleia. The leading role thus was played by the trading interests of the citizens of Heracleia.

Монументальная скульптура в изображениях на памятниках прикладного искусства из античных государств Северного Причерноморья

The article deals with founded during the excavations in the Northern Black Sea region ancient decorated vases, terra-cotta statues and jewelries which saved the design of some famous statues by Phidius, Policletus and Boetus. On the local coins there are images of gods’ statues which were in the sanctuaries in Olbia, Chersonesos and Panticapaeum. On request of these towns the statues were created by the skilled masters from Athens and Asia Minor.

Этнический облик арианской церкви в вандальской Африке (V–VI вв.)

The Vandal Arian Church in North Africa is often regarded as a kind of ethnical religious group with prevailing of the German element. But in reality the situation was more complicated. In this case the investigation of the dynamics of Arian Church development is of the special interest.

Плюмбата в римской армии IV–VI вв.

Plumbata, mattiobarbula and μαρτζοβάρβουλον were the names of a javelin with a lead weight. It was a part of standard military equipment of Late Roman soldiers. Vegetius, Maurice and Anonymous Reformer describe the plumbata as a throwing weapon with a range of throw superior to the javelin. Archaeological remains of plumbata looks like small barbed head on the iron stem and barrel shaped lead weight. Their length could vary from 98 mm to 275 mm long and weight from 130 gm to 350 gm.

К вопросу об изменениях в римской военной тактике и вооружении в эпоху Поздней империи

The Roman legionary’s arms changed very much in the epoch of the Later Empire in comparison with the ones existing in the time of the Republic and the Principate. The radical changes came about as well in the military methods used by the Romans in battlefield: the phalanx defensive tactics replaced the traditional legion tactics of combined action when pilum volley anticipated hand-to-hand fighting.

Тертуллиан и семья: к внутренней христианской полемике эпохи Северов

New family conception making was a topical task during the period of Christian society formation. Tertullian rather consequently protested the trends which denied a family but considered the saving of marriage as a temporary concession to human weakness. The family model which he proposed did not imply any social responsibilities beyond church activity. Neither common housekeeping, nor children birth could be a reasonable ground for creating a family. Paradoxically, only inability to continence was admitted by him as a good cause to get married.

Хозяйственная жизнь знатных фамилий в Помпеях

Material from Pompeii allows to restore the picture of economic life of nobility in the city, who joined, quite actively, the commercial life of the community, starting from II B. C. There they joined activities of free craftspeople, who worked in small workshops. Domus, usually belonging to one family, becomes the center of families’ economic life. The number of small shops and workshops around was growing; and they were given, as peculia, to individuals, who were under the power of a houseowner.

Птолемей Цезарь в пропаганде триумвиров

Modern works on history, devoted to propaganda war of 34—32 B. C., tend to oppose the dictator’s son (Caesarion) to his adopted son (Octavian). The theory is that Antony connected Caesarion’s origin to his right to be a political successor of the dictator. However, acknowledgement of consanguinity did not entitle Caesarion to inherit his father’s property and clientele, that does not allow to talk about Caesarion’s (and Antony behind him) «political» claims. Antony’s public speeches regarding Caesarion’s status, can be explained by events of 34 B. C.
