ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Восстание Лепида

By the end of Sulla’s dictatorship there was an opposition inside the winner’s camp. M. Aemilius Lepidus, a consul 78 B. C., also belonged to the opposition.

Марий и Катул: история взаимоотношений homo novus и vir nobilissimus

Homines noui Romae in cursu honorum perficiendo plerumque a uiris nobilibus adiuuabantur. aliter C. Mario et Q. Lutatio Catulo accidit: nam Ernestus Badian, uir eruditissimus, Arpinatem operam dedisse putat, ut homo ab illo uiro, qui ad Aegates uicit, oriundus, consul fieret, quoniam hic Iuliorum affinis, ipse uero cognatus Iuliorum fuerit. Mario opitulante senatus Catulo imperium proconsulare prorogasse uidetur, tametsi hic cum Germanis in Alpibus gloria permodica pugnauit.

Римская идентичность: формированиe традиций гражданского коллектива

Die Autorin analysiert neue Beiträge zum Forschungsproblem der römischen Identität und beistimmt einiger Standpunkte nicht. V. V. Dementieva glaubt, dass es keine Gründe gibt, um mores maiorum als Hauptbestandteil der römischen Identität zu negieren. Meinung der Autorin nach, waren diese Normen nicht nur die Sittlichkeit der Elite, sondern auch das Referenzethos der ganzen Bürgerschaft. Die Entwicklung mores maiorum hatte nicht nur quantitative Änderungen, sondern auch qualitative Umgestaltungen.

История добродетельной Лукреции: между литературой, правом и ритуалом

The author follows the popular belief that the history of Lucretia was a product of Hellenistic literature which in turn borrowed the plot from ancient mythology. The story was included in the Roman historical tradition quite early, possibly before Fabius Pictor, who borrowed it from someone of his Greek predecessors. In different stages of the formation of the historical tradition, the meaning of the story varied. Originally, it possibly was the story of two brothers, one of whom tempted the wife of another (or she seduced him).

Политическая и сакральная власть в римской цивитас: механизмы взаимодействия

Die scharfe Teilung des sacrum und publicum war charakteristisch für die römische Republik. Der Artikel ist der Erforschung der Wechselwirkung dieser Gesellschaftsbereichen gewidmet. Die Magistrate hatten viele Verpflichtungen im sakralen Bereich, aber es machte sie keine Priester. Die Priester halfen den politischen Behörden, berieten in religiösen Fragen und nahmen an den Gesellschaftsritualien teil, aber hatten keine politische Befugnisse.

К династической истории эллинистической Каппадокии: царский дом Ариаратидов

The article analyses the dynastic history of the Cappadocian kingdom of the Ariarathids. On the basis of written sources (works by Diodorus Siculus, Polybius, Pompeius Trogus/Justin, etc), numismatic and epigraphic materials, the author makes the following conclusions:

«Морская программа» Филиппа V в 220–214 гг. до н. э.

The fleet of Macedonia never was so strong, as land forces, except for a short period of the reign of Antigonus Gonatus. During the Social War Philip attempted to carry out sea operations, the purpose of which was creation of sea bases on the western coast of Greece. However, realization of the marine goals has occupied a long period of time as it required considerable financing. Besides, the king of Macedonia had no opportunity to be engaged only with restoration of the sea forces of Macedonia. In 214 B. C.

Игра Ахилла и Аякса в кости. Проблема определения сильнейшего героя

Achilles and Ajax playing dice is a subject known only through a vase-painting, thus some scholars speculate that this story did not originate through epic tradition, but, rather, was created by visual artists. This interpretation, however, is unlikely for the following reason. In the earlier myths, it was Ajax who killed Hector, but later the epic was changed to have Achilles being the hero to bring Hector’s downfall.
