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Chrustaljow W. K. Double standards in the assessments of Roman "democracy"?. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2021, vol. 20, iss. 20, pp. 45-61. DOI:, EDN: ERKVYF

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94(37)|-03/-00|+929 Сморчков

Double standards in the assessments of Roman "democracy"?

Chrustaljow Wjatscheslaw Konstantinovich, Herzen State Pedagogical University

The author criticizes a recent article by A.M. Smorchkov, devoted to the comparison of the political structure of the Roman Republic and modern democratic states. The author proves the fallacy of the main thesis of A.M. Smorchkov, according to which the Roman Republic of the III–I centuries BC should be recognized as a democracy.


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