ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

Рим и Римский мир

Titus Labienus, vir «fortis in armis»

The article examines the activities of Titus Labienus, Caesar’s legate in Gaul and a prominent commander in Pompey’s army during the Civil War. His biography is known with large lacunas, as are his political leanings. In Caesar’s Gallic campaigns Labienus served as a legatus pro praetore and proved himself to be a talented military commander. But the fact that he had been praetor before this seems doubtful. With the outbreak of the civil war Labienus defected to Pompey. The motive seems to have been his unsatisfied ambition.

Antonius Hybrida and Catilinarian conspiracy

The paper analyzes the role of Caius Antonius in the events of 63 BC. The author comes to the following conclusions: despite the agreement with Cicero, which assumed the transfer the rich province of Macedonia to him after the consulship, Antonius considered other ways to get out of debts. Intrigued by Catiline’s promises and being under the influence of his relative Lentulus Sura, he could have taken part in the meetings of the Catilinarii, but retreated from them as soon as he saw that the matter was becoming futile.

Sulla and popular assemblies in 88 B.C.

The paper examines the relationship between the consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla and the Roman plebs in 88 B.C. The first part of the paper considers the role of the popular assemblies in the political struggle around the bills of the plebeian tribune Publius Sulpicius. The authors take the view that the violent clashes between supporters and opponents of Sulpicius’ proposals were inspired by Sulla and his consular colleague Quintus Pompeius Rufus who thereby sought to disrupt the vote in the comitia.

Plebeian tribune Publius Furius: problems of his political biography

The article is devoted to some problems of Publius Furius’ political biography. The author accepts the opinion that Furius had been a plebeian tribune in 100 BC, not 99 BC. Furius offered the publicatio bonorum of L. Appuleius Saturninus, but we do not have any information that the proposal on the confiscation was implemented in spite of popular historiographical view. The author believes that there were two trials of Furius and not one as some historians presume.

Rome and Cappadocia on the eve of the Mithridatic Wars: from inaction to intervention

The article examines the relations between Rome and the Kingdom of Cappadocia on the eve of the First Mithridatic War. Although allied relations between them had existed for several decades, Rome showed little interest in events in this remote region. Only the rise of Pontus and the desire of Mithridates Eupator to strengthen his influence here prompted the Senate to take more active action.

«Legitimate right» to loot: the distribution of war booty and Roman civitas of the Republic

The article examines the distribution and use of war booty in the Roman Republic. In spite of quite extensive historiography on this question, scholars as a rule focused their interest on the role of the commander in the process of dividing the loot, and the collective of citizens of the Roman state, which also claimed part of the loot, unreasonably remained without required attention. Therefore the article analyzes the parts of the Roman civitas, among which the spoils of war were distributed, namely, the commander, the soldiers and the treasury.

Cato the Younger, Seneca the Younger, Pliny the Younger: conflict between norm and reality

The article is devoted to three politicians and intellectuals – the republican leader Cato of Utica, Neroʼs tutor Seneca and Trajanʼs friend Pliny the Younger. An uncompromising fighter against tyranny, Cato chose to commit suicide rather than accept the dictatorship of Caesar. The conformist Seneca, who consciously accepted autocracy and dreamed of the rule of an ideal princeps, was forced to commit suicide under the compulsion of his unworthy pupil, emperor Nero.

Camulodunum colonia victricensis: рождение и гибель провинциального центра

Camulodunum was the first capital of Roman Britain. Today it is one of the well-known Roman-British towns. Recent excavations, a number of inscriptions and several passages by Tacitus and Dio shows that the earliest Roman Camulodunum was an imperial project. Roman authorities supposed that the town, which before 43 AD was a capital of “Eastern kingdom”, would become the centre of Britannia. When the legionary fortress of Camulodunum was abandoned, a civil settlement with status “colonia” of veterans was established.

Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensis. Кельн – центр римской провинции Нижняя Германия

Im Artikel wurden wichtige Momente der Geschichte der rheinischen Metropolen in römischer Zeit beleuchtet. Die ursprüngliche Siedlung, oppidum Ubiorum, wurde in den ersten Jahren unserer Zeitrechnung gegründet. Die führende Rolle bei den Bauarbeiten übernahmen die römischen Legionäre. Der Autor befürwortet in seiner Argumentation, dass sich das Militärlager erst innerhalb der städtischen Festigungen befand. Dort befand sich auch ara Ubiorum (dann ara Germaniae?) — Zentrum des kaiserlichen Kultes.

Время в сочинениях Саллюстия

The paper deals with Sallust’s perception of historical time. Sallust recognizes that ancestors’ times were better than current period, but, nevertheless, doesn’t deny progressive trends in development from past to present and notes many eventual changes to the best in course of history. Evolution of human characters, according to Sallust, does not go only to the worst too (contrary to opinion of some specialists on Sallust’s concepts). The author agrees with K.
