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Izosin V. G. Flavius Theodovius Valila. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2021, vol. 20, iss. 20, pp. 187-205. DOI:, EDN: GYPYWI

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94(37)|03|+929 Флавий Теодовий Валила

Flavius Theodovius Valila

Izosin Valery Gennad'evich, independent researcher

The article is devoted to the events of the 70s of the 5th cen­tu­ry AD, associated with the activities of the representative of the military and sena­torial aristocracy of the Western Roman Empire, Flavius Theodovius Valila. The texts and translations of the sources mentioning him are given, their evidence is considered in the context of the events of the epoch. The author put forward a hypothesis about Valila’s evasion from participation in the war between the em­peror Anthemius and the patrician Ricimer and about donating to the church the lands and buildings belonging to him in order to gain the patronage of Pope Simplicius.


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