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Akhiev S. N. Formation of a Roman Public Opinion by Octavian (from Ilyrian Campaign to Actium). Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 119-128. DOI:, EDN: VEXDXL

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Formation of a Roman Public Opinion by Octavian (from Ilyrian Campaign to Actium)

Akhiev Sergei Nikolaevich, Saratov State University

The article discusses the means and methods that Octavian used to form the public opinion of the Romans in the period 34–32 BC. The author notes their diversity and intensive use in political propaganda, but their effectiveness should not be exaggerated. Only patriotic slogans made Octavian the true leader of the Roman Republic. Octavian`s political talent was that he managed to capture and use Romans moods in his interests.


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