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Bolonkina E. V., Jefremow N. V., Kolesnikov A. B. New Variants of Ceramic Stamps of Early Hellenistic Knidos. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 274-317. DOI:, EDN: OMZDLR

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New Variants of Ceramic Stamps of Early Hellenistic Knidos

Bolonkina Elena Vladimirovna, East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve
Jefremow Nikolay Vasil’evich, independent researcher
Kolesnikov Andrey Borisovich, Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article publishes a series of stamps, previously usually attributed to undefined centers. A Comparision of Mediterranean and Black Sea materials allows with a high degree of probability to attribute the stamps published below as Knidian. At the same time, an attempt is made to separate individual stamps within the group and their chronological definition.


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