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Korolenkov A. V. Plebeian tribune Publius Furius: problems of his political biography. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2023, vol. 21, iss. 21, pp. 169-180. DOI:

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94(37)+929Публий Фурий

Plebeian tribune Publius Furius: problems of his political biography

Korolenkov Anton Viktorovich, State Academic University for the Humanities

The article is devoted to some problems of Publius Furius’ political biography. The author accepts the opinion that Furius had been a plebeian tribune in 100 BC, not 99 BC. Furius offered the publicatio bonorum of L. Appuleius Saturninus, but we do not have any information that the proposal on the confiscation was implemented in spite of popular historiographical view. The author believes that there were two trials of Furius and not one as some historians presume. In the author’s opinion the reason why Furius was killed by the mob during the trial before the popular assembly (the unprecedented case) was that his enemies apprehended his acquittal. 


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