For citation:
Korolenkov A. V., Chrustaljow W. K. Sulla and popular assemblies in 88 B.C.. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2023, vol. 21, iss. 21, pp. 181-190. DOI:
Sulla and popular assemblies in 88 B.C.
The paper examines the relationship between the consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla and the Roman plebs in 88 B.C. The first part of the paper considers the role of the popular assemblies in the political struggle around the bills of the plebeian tribune Publius Sulpicius. The authors take the view that the violent clashes between supporters and opponents of Sulpicius’ proposals were inspired by Sulla and his consular colleague Quintus Pompeius Rufus who thereby sought to disrupt the vote in the comitia. The riots in the streets were used by the consuls as a pretext for introducing non-attendance days (iustitium). In the second part of the paper the reform concerning the legislative powers of the comitia is discussed which was allegedly carried out by Sulla in 88 B.C. The authors come to the conclusion that in reality this reform never took place.
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