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Dymskaya D. D. The matrimonial Linkage of L. Sergius Catiline in the Context of Roman Politics. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 134-143. DOI:, EDN: YLCLLX

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The matrimonial Linkage of L. Sergius Catiline in the Context of Roman Politics

Dymskaya Daria Dmitrievna, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The paper deals with the matrimonial linkage of L. Sergius Catiline, which is discussed within the context of the Roman politics in the first century B.C. The author concludes that Catiline was married at least twice, but it is only possible to identify his last wife and the approximate year of the marriage. It is also known that Catiline had had a son from a previous marriage, but the latter and his mother have died under unclear circumstances. Later Catiline's political rival Cicero, has misrepresented the former's family life in order to denigrate him.

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