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Selivanova L. L. The Road Map of a Syrian Athlete, Aurelius Septimius Eirenaios. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 88-98. DOI:, EDN: YLCLKN

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The Road Map of a Syrian Athlete, Aurelius Septimius Eirenaios

Selivanova Larisa Leonal’dovna, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This article analyzes an honorific inscription from A.D. 221, which praised the victory of the pankratiast and boxer Aurelius Septimius Eirenaios, from Laodicea in Syria (Laodicea ad mare), and overviewed his sporting career. Having reexamined this evidence, including the locations, number, and frequency of Septimius’ victories, the author concludes that, despite his activity and mobility, Septimius was only of local importance. He neither won any Panhellenic games nor ever competed in any venues in Greece or Italy: all his victories occurred in his native Syria or nearby territories.


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