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Kvashnin V. A. The Shipwreck of Grand-Congloué, Sestii and the Lex Claudia. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 109-120. DOI:, EDN: VSNSVN

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The Shipwreck of Grand-Congloué, Sestii and the Lex Claudia

Kvashnin Vladimir Alexandrovich, Vologda State University

Lex Claudia 218 BC is often seen as proof of active development of sea trade in Rome, the production of wine and ceramics at the end of the III BC. Another proof are archaeological finds of Grand-Congloué, where was discovered a Roman trading ship with a cargo of amphorae of the type Dressel I. These amphorae were found the abbreviation SES and SEST, which were identified as nomen senatorial family Sestii mentioned by Cicero as shipowners. However, analysis of available data does not allow to confirm a direct connection between a archaeological evidence, the economic activity of Sestii and the enactment of lex Claudia.


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