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Shashlova T. Y. The Sinopian Embassy to Darius III. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2017, vol. 18, iss. 18, pp. 304-316. DOI:, EDN: YLCLPA

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The Sinopian Embassy to Darius III

Shashlova Tat'iana Yur'evna, Saratov State University

The article deals with the messages of Arrian and Q. Curtius Rufus about the Sinopeʼs embassy sent to Darius III during the Macedonian invasion. After the death of the Persian King, the ambassadors together with the Greek mercenaries, which were at Darius, surrendered to Alexander the Great (Arr. Anab. III.24.4; Curt. VI.5.6–10). The purposes and circumstances of sending embassy in sources don't reveal. However, a number of numismatic data suggest that Sinop had some relation to the Persian counteroffensive that unfolded in Asia Minor after the Battle of Issus (Curt. IV.1.34–35; Diod. XVII.48.5–6). Most likely, sending embassy by this city to Darius III should be connected with these events.


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