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Dolgova T. A. Titus Labienus, vir «fortis in armis». Ancient World and Archaeology, 2023, vol. 21, iss. 21, pp. 207-224. DOI:

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94(37)+929Тит Лабиен

Titus Labienus, vir «fortis in armis»

Dolgova Tatyana Alexeyevna, Saratov State University

The article examines the activities of Titus Labienus, Caesar’s legate in Gaul and a prominent commander in Pompey’s army during the Civil War. His biography is known with large lacunas, as are his political leanings. In Caesar’s Gallic campaigns Labienus served as a legatus pro praetore and proved himself to be a talented military commander. But the fact that he had been praetor before this seems doubtful. With the outbreak of the civil war Labienus defected to Pompey. The motive seems to have been his unsatisfied ambition. After Pompey’s death, Labienus took part in the fight against Caesar in Africa and Spain. Changing sides, Labienus left himself no choice but to fight to the end.


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