For citation:
Khorkova I. V. To the Question of the Source of Sacrificial Dishes List (Arnobius VII.24). Ancient World and Archaeology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 19, pp. 169-180. DOI:, EDN: RHJGDL
To the Question of the Source of Sacrificial Dishes List (Arnobius VII.24)
In the article is considered the question of possible sources of information of the Christian author Arnobius concerning the sacrificial dishes which in considerable volume are contained in his composition "Adversus nationes". Comparison of Arnobius materials with parallel fragments from other antique authors brings to a conclusion about the mediated loan of information through Varro's composition "Antiquitates rerum divinarum", not remained and very important for the Roman paganism. Varro could use in the composition ancient sacral books – Indigitamenta.
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