ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Ceramic stamps of Knidos with the symbol «ship’s prow» (chronological group Ib)

In the article are collected in the form of a corpus the stamps of the initial period of the systematic marking of amphorae in Knidos - stamps with a “prora” or “ship bow” (chronological group Ib). A total of 323 stamps originating from the territory of the Bosporus, Chersonese and Olbia were taken into account. They are distributed unevenly. The main reason ist, that not all museum collections are available and processed.

Два типа чернолаковых чаш из меотских погребений правобережья Кубани

Работа посвящена двум редким типам чернолаковых сосудов для питья вина. Единичными находками здесь представлены чаши типа stemless. Целая чашечка маленьких размеров (small), вероятно неаттического производства, происходит из погребения первой половины V в. до н.э. могильника Старокорсунского городища № 2.

Small black-glazed vessels for food service from Maeotian burial grounds at the Right Banks of the Kuban River

The paper analyses small black-glazed vessels for food service. There are saltcellars, small bowls and stemmed dish. There are not only whole vessels, but the bottom part, which were used as small cups. Most of vessels were found in the burial grounds Prikubansky and Lebedy III. Chronology of graves with black-glazed pottery based on amphora containers of different Mediterranean centers and in hole limited IV cent. BC.

New Variants of Ceramic Stamps of Early Hellenistic Knidos

The article publishes a series of stamps, previously usually attributed to undefined centers. A Comparision of Mediterranean and Black Sea materials allows with a high degree of probability to attribute the stamps published below as Knidian. At the same time, an attempt is made to separate individual stamps within the group and their chronological definition.