ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)

гражданские войны в Риме

«Clementia Caesaris»: сущность, причины, цели

Одним из важ­ней­ших направ­ле­ний дея­тель­но­сти Цеза­ря в граж­дан­ской войне ста­ло про­веде­ние поли­ти­ки, полу­чив­шей в исто­рио­гра­фии назва­ние «cle­men­tia Cae­sa­ris». Ни один иссле­до­ва­тель, обра­тив­ший­ся к опи­са­нию меро­при­я­тий дик­та­то­ра, не обо­шел вни­ма­ни­ем уди­ви­тель­ную мяг­кость Цеза­ря по отно­ше­нию к побеж­ден­но­му про­тив­ни­ку. Как пра­ви­ло, кон­ста­ти­ру­ют­ся два момен­та:

On the so-called “myth of Sulla” (about the article by Alexandra Eckert)

The authors analyze Ugo Laffi’s and Francois Hinard’s conception of the “myth of Sulla” and its critics by Alexandra Eckert. Laffi attributes the ap­pea­rance of Sulla’s image as the cruel tyrant (i.e. of the “myth of Sulla”) to Caesar’s dictatorship, while in Hinard’s opinion it happened later, during Augustan princi­pate. However, Eckert argues that Sulla had the reputation of a cruel tyrant even in his lifetime. The authors agree with Eckert, but make important corrections and additions to her argumentation.

On the beginning of sullan proscriptions

The article is devoted to the question whether a wave of uncontrol­led murders preceded and caused Sullan proscriptions. In modern scholarship these proscriptions are often considered as an instrument that should have cur­bed the bloody chaos, though some authors believe this plan failed.