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Korolenkov A. V. On the beginning of sullan proscriptions. Ancient World and Archaeology, 2021, vol. 20, iss. 20, pp. 62-73. DOI:, EDN: CGBTZF

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94(37)|-00|+929 Сулла

On the beginning of sullan proscriptions

Korolenkov Anton Viktorovich, State Academic University for the Humanities

The article is devoted to the question whether a wave of uncontrol­led murders preceded and caused Sullan proscriptions. In modern scholarship these proscriptions are often considered as an instrument that should have cur­bed the bloody chaos, though some authors believe this plan failed. Having ana­lyzed the point of view of F. Hinard, H. Heftner, and J. Urso, the author con­clu­des that there was no disorderly massacre after the battle of the Colline Gate, because Sulla controlled the situation and was interested not only in the physical elimination of his enemies, but also in large-scale confiscations in order to enrich himself and his supporters. This task involved the legal formalization of ho­mi­cides rather than uncontrolled slaughter.


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