ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Paleography, dating, text criticism of dozen curse inscriptions from ancient Olbia Pontica

At the last 25 years there are published 14 new curse inscriptions from Olbia, all with dating 4th BC. Meanwhile their majority has clear paleography of 3rd and even 2nd centuries BC. The author studies here paleography of 11 inscriptions and finds, that 4 pertains to 4th century, 3 to the end of 4th–3rd century, 3 to 3rd century and 2 to 3rd–2nd centuries BC.  

On dating and textual criticism of the newly published private letters and curse inscriptions from the Bosporus

There are investigated 7 published at the last time inscriptions – 4 private letters and 3 curse inscriptions. Two letters have originated from the Taman peninsula (№ 1, 2), one by one from Myrmekion (№ 3), Pantikapaeum (№ 4); all 3 curse inscriptions are from Pantikapaeum (№ 5–7). The author gives more precise dates of the inscriptions: he supports publisher’s dates only in № 1 and № 7, the rest inscriptions he regards as more recent.