ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
ISSN - (Online)


Sulla and popular assemblies in 88 B.C.

The paper examines the relationship between the consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla and the Roman plebs in 88 B.C. The first part of the paper considers the role of the popular assemblies in the political struggle around the bills of the plebeian tribune Publius Sulpicius. The authors take the view that the violent clashes between supporters and opponents of Sulpicius’ proposals were inspired by Sulla and his consular colleague Quintus Pompeius Rufus who thereby sought to disrupt the vote in the comitia.

Rome and Cappadocia on the eve of the Mithridatic Wars: from inaction to intervention

The article examines the relations between Rome and the Kingdom of Cappadocia on the eve of the First Mithridatic War. Although allied relations between them had existed for several decades, Rome showed little interest in events in this remote region. Only the rise of Pontus and the desire of Mithridates Eupator to strengthen his influence here prompted the Senate to take more active action.

Сулла и народные собрания в 88 г. до н.э.

В статье исследуется вопрос о взаимоотношениях между консулом Луцием Корнелием Суллой и римским плебсом в 88 г. до н.э. В первой части статьи анализируется роль народного собрания в политической борьбе вокруг законопроектов плебейского трибуна Публия Сульпиция. Авторы приходят к выводу, что столкновения между сторонниками и противниками предложений Сульпиция были инспирированы Суллой и его коллегой по консульству Квинтом Помпеем Руфом, которые тем самым стремились сорвать голосование в комициях.

On the so-called “myth of Sulla” (about the article by Alexandra Eckert)

The authors analyze Ugo Laffi’s and Francois Hinard’s conception of the “myth of Sulla” and its critics by Alexandra Eckert. Laffi attributes the ap­pea­rance of Sulla’s image as the cruel tyrant (i.e. of the “myth of Sulla”) to Caesar’s dictatorship, while in Hinard’s opinion it happened later, during Augustan princi­pate. However, Eckert argues that Sulla had the reputation of a cruel tyrant even in his lifetime. The authors agree with Eckert, but make important corrections and additions to her argumentation.