ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Образы времени в историческом труде Геродота

Surikov Igor Evgenyevich, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article deals with some aspects of time perception in Herodotus’ Histories. The author considers the problem from a terminological perspective. There are three main Greek words for «time»: kairos, chronos and aiōn. The first designates a moment in time («point-time»), the second — a period of time («line-time»), the third — time at the junction with space and life («plane-time»). In the article, principal contexts of all three time terms’ use by Herodotus are analyzed. The author also tries to trace frequency of time terminology in different parts of the work. He does it through formalizing statistical data and introducing a special frequency coefficient. The results are that Herodotus’ time terminology is more frequent in «Greek» parts and rarer in «Barbarian» parts, especially in those narrating on remote and periphery barbarians: the nearer to Greece — the more historical time.

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