ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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К династической истории эллинистической Каппадокии: царский дом Ариаратидов


The article analyses the dynastic history of the Cappadocian kingdom of the Ariarathids. On the basis of written sources (works by Diodorus Siculus, Polybius, Pompeius Trogus/Justin, etc), numismatic and epigraphic materials, the author makes the following conclusions:

  1. «Official» genealogy of Ariarathids, provided in XXXI book of Diodorus, was created under the reign of Ariarathes V Philopator and is partially biased (emphasises the origin of the Achaemenids and «seven Persians», the version of Ariarathes Philopator’s brothers birth), and is partially distorted due to mistakes in sources, used by Diodorus. However, it contains valuable information related to instruments, by which Ariarathids, Persians by origin, tried to legitimize their power in Cappadocia.
  2. Ariarathes III (c. 230—220 B. C.) the first representative of the dynasty who got a royal title was entitled as a result of his marriage with a sister of The Seleucid king Antiochos II Theos (258 B. C.). Thus he launched a legal mechanism, allowing the Cappadocian royal house become equal in status to Syrian rulers and later be accepted by kings of Pontos and Bithynia.
  3. Legal norms of Cappadocian royal power are most likely originated from Iranian-Achaemenids: first, a frequency of co-reigning and passing the throne at kings’ life to their previously appointed heirs; and second, an active involvement of local nobility «the people of the Cappadocians» into state affairs. These institutes, created to prevent dynastic crisis, did not always answer this need.
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