ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Восстание Лепида


By the end of Sulla’s dictatorship there was an opposition inside the winner’s camp. M. Aemilius Lepidus, a consul 78 B. C., also belonged to the opposition.

Immediately upon taking an office he talked out for changing Sulla’s rules. He was aimed at uniting around him those opposing to Sulla. Failing to attract Sulla’s veterans, he tried to attract Italics, whose land had been confiscated in favour of the former. Lepidus’s agitation caused a rebellion in Etruria, and armies of Lepidus and Catulus, two consuls fighting with each other, were sent to crush a rebellion. Instead, Lepidus delivered an ultimatum to the Senate and demanded to cancel Sulla’s regime and his acts, and led his army to Rome. Pompey, an actual commander-in-chief, destroyed Lepidus’s army at Rome’s walls and fought Gallia Cisalpina back. Catulus, acting in Etruria mostly by diplomatic methods, pushed a rebellious leader out of there. Lepidus died trying to invade Sardinia, and the rest of his army evacuated top Spain and joined Sertorius. Thus, the first attempt to liquidate Sulla’s regime failed because of objective and subjective factors. In general, Lepidus’s rebellion played an important role in the crash of Republican regime in Rome.

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