ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Птолемей Цезарь в пропаганде триумвиров

Akhiev Sergei Nikolaevich, Saratov State University

Modern works on history, devoted to propaganda war of 34—32 B. C., tend to oppose the dictator’s son (Caesarion) to his adopted son (Octavian). The theory is that Antony connected Caesarion’s origin to his right to be a political successor of the dictator. However, acknowledgement of consanguinity did not entitle Caesarion to inherit his father’s property and clientele, that does not allow to talk about Caesarion’s (and Antony behind him) «political» claims. Antony’s public speeches regarding Caesarion’s status, can be explained by events of 34 B. C. in Alexandria. «The Donations of Alexandria» was, actually, Antony’s external policy, aimed at realization Ceasars’ plan on invading the East. Simultaneously, a new Egypt and Middle East internal managing structure was stated.

That is where the name of Caesarion appears. He was given a role of a co-ruler with Cleopatra in Egypt, and the status of a superior ruler, «the king of kings», upon Cleopatra’s death. It’s clear that the supreme ruler of East had to be of divine origin. While in the East there were no problems with Caesarion’s legitimacy, for the Romans he remained a bastard. This problem was solved by proclaiming Caesar, deified by the Roman Senate, as his farther. Thus it was aimed not at derogating Octavian’s status, but at acknowledging Caesarion’s official status as a superior ruler of Egypt and the countries of East.

Key words: 

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