ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Хозяйственная жизнь знатных фамилий в Помпеях


Material from Pompeii allows to restore the picture of economic life of nobility in the city, who joined, quite actively, the commercial life of the community, starting from II B. C. There they joined activities of free craftspeople, who worked in small workshops. Domus, usually belonging to one family, becomes the center of families’ economic life. The number of small shops and workshops around was growing; and they were given, as peculia, to individuals, who were under the power of a houseowner. Thus the house became the center of integration between private, public and economic spheres of life. Heads of old Pompeii families were guided by the same ideas, as old Rome families, in their activities. As a result, from the end of Republic to beginning of the Empire, the economic activities, supplemented by the labour of small merchants and craftspeople, encompassed the commercial life of Pompeii, so that after the earthquake of 62 A. D., despite an active change of house owners, there was no important enlargement in the network of taberna. The economic life of noble families had different forms, which found their representations in space. In some cases passes from taberna to residential area illustrated the fact that there was connection between a family’s private life and its merchant-craft activities. In others, patres familias in an old Rome style kept segregating commercial and residential areas with a strong wall.

Key words: 

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