ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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Тертуллиан и семья: к внутренней христианской полемике эпохи Северов


New family conception making was a topical task during the period of Christian society formation. Tertullian rather consequently protested the trends which denied a family but considered the saving of marriage as a temporary concession to human weakness. The family model which he proposed did not imply any social responsibilities beyond church activity. Neither common housekeeping, nor children birth could be a reasonable ground for creating a family. Paradoxically, only inability to continence was admitted by him as a good cause to get married.

Tertullian is highly negative about children. In his opinion, they are a barrier between people and God. The writer declares the principle that “Christians are made, not born”. It reflects self-perception of early Christians. Tertullian’s eschatological expectations together with his own experience of breaking with paternalistic values determine his attitude to children as to potential pagans, opponents of their own parents. This marginality of self-perception is a specific feature of the Christian mentality during the epoch of Severus.

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