ISSN 0320-961X (Print)
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К вопросу об изменениях в римской военной тактике и вооружении в эпоху Поздней империи


The Roman legionary’s arms changed very much in the epoch of the Later Empire in comparison with the ones existing in the time of the Republic and the Principate. The radical changes came about as well in the military methods used by the Romans in battlefield: the phalanx defensive tactics replaced the traditional legion tactics of combined action when pilum volley anticipated hand-to-hand fighting. The main causes of all these changes consisted of the provincialisation of the Roman army and the modification of the system of arms’ production happened during the crisis of the Empire in the III A. D. The Roman arms changed still more at the end of the IV A. D.; the changes not only altered entirely the air of the Roman army but in fact marked the beginning of the process of the regular troops’ disappearance as an institute.

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