Этнический облик арианской церкви в вандальской Африке (V–VI вв.)
The Vandal Arian Church in North Africa is often regarded as a kind of ethnical religious group with prevailing of the German element. But in reality the situation was more complicated. In this case the investigation of the dynamics of Arian Church development is of the special interest.
Arian Church was not uniform in its ethnical aspect. Its backbone was formed by the clerics of Vandal origin, but the Roman apostates from Nicene Faith were the main contingent of it. They were ready to share their liturgical skills, they took part in the forming of Arian liturgical canon organized under the influence of the Nicene canon, and also they put into practice their experience as eparchial rulers and administrators. Apart from that, Isidorus of Sevilla in his «Historia Gothorum Wandalorum Sueborumque» testifies that from the very beginning the Vandals belonged to the Nicene faith and then converted to Arianism. A considerable amount of Vandals later remained followers of the Catholic Church. That is why many of them became martyrs during the Arian persecutions in Vandal Africa, as bishop Victor of Vita shows in his work entitled «History of Vandal Persecutions».
Unlike Catholic Church, where the dioceses were strictly connected with Roman provincial cities (municipia), Arian eparchies did not have such connection; thereby the sources do not tell us about bishop of certain city, but about bishop of peoples (gentium) or regions (regionum). These archaic peculiarities were partially inherited by Vandals, which became apparent on the presence of the bishop council at the curt of the Vandal King. But soon Arian Church of Vandals adopted many features typical for Catholic Church of Africa, which was stipulated by considerable Romanization of Vandals.
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